

筆を用いずペイントローラーで描くさとうたけしの個展を開催します。作品、ライブペインティング、壁画と幅広く活躍している注目作家です。アートフェア東京でのライブペインティング、山崎 育三郎さんとのコラボレーション、病院を一棟まるまる彩るホスピタルアートなど積極的に活動した2023年の集大成となる展示です。新たな展開である「モダン仏画」にもご期待ください。



2011年の震災を経験し国内外のチャリティイベントに参加し寄付を募る活動も続けている。2012年には韓国で行われた麗水万博ジャパンデーにて日本代表アーティストとしてパフォーマンスを披露。同年10月には大手コスメブランドエスティローダー主催ピンクリボンチャリティーイベントにて創設者ロナルド・ローダー氏の妻 エブリン氏のポートレイトを描き今なお、ニューヨーク本社に飾られている。2014年には世界でも上位の企業とされるゼネラル・エレクトリック『GE』のCMに出演。2015年にはNYのマンハッタンとブルックリンで初の個展を開催した。2021年より、曼荼羅をはじめとする仏画制作にも力を入れ活動の幅を広げている。


韓国万博、日中国交40周年イベント、ART EXPO NY、アートフェア東京、デヴィッドボウイ大回顧展、渋谷ヒカリエオープニングイベント、六本木ヒルズ春まつり、DAKS 125th Anniversary Event、TOUCH JAPAN JOURNEY by LEXUS、KENZO出版記念イベント、慈眼寺、善通寺


イクスピアリ、仙台空港臨空公園、京橋再開発アートプロジェクト、FLOWERS by NAKED


山崎育三郎 Premium Symphonic Concert Tour 2023 -PRINCIPE-、サンドウィッチマンライブツアー2017

Ehibition: Takeshi Sato

We will hold a solo exhibition of Takeshi Sato, who paints with a paint roller without using a brush. He is a notable artist who is active in a wide range of areas including works, live paintings, and murals. This exhibition is the culmination of 2023, a period of active activities such as live painting at Art Fair Tokyo, collaboration with Ikusaburo Yamazaki, and hospital art that decorated an entire hospital building. Please look forward to the new development of “Modern Buddhist Paintings.”

Artist biography

Born in Miyagi Prefecture. Fascinated by a mural he saw while traveling in the United States, he taught himself mural painting techniques and began creating murals at theme parks and restaurants in Japan and abroad.
Started live painting activities in 2005. His speedy, powerful and unique touch that he uses only a paint roller catches the attention of the audience and has been featured in various media.
After experiencing the 2011 earthquake, he continues to participate in domestic and international charity events and collect donations. In 2012, she performed as a representative artist from Japan at the Yeosu Expo Japan Day held in South Korea. In October of the same year, she painted a portrait of founder Ronald Lauder’s wife Evelyn at a pink ribbon charity event sponsored by major cosmetics brand Estée Lauder, which still hangs at the company’s New York headquarters. In 2014, he appeared in a commercial for General Electric, “GE,” which is considered one of the top companies in the world. In 2015, his first solo exhibition was held in Manhattan and Brooklyn, New York. From 2021, he has been expanding the range of his activities by focusing on creating Buddhist paintings such as “Mandala”.

Main live painting performance

Expo Korea, 40th Anniversary of Japan-China Relations, ART EXPO NY, Art Fair Tokyo, David Bowie Retrospective, Shibuya Hikarie Opening Event, Roppongi Hills Spring Festival, DAKS 125th Anniversary Event, TOUCH JAPAN JOURNEY by LEXUS, KENZO Publishing Commemoration Event, Jigenji Temple, Zentsuji Temple

Main mural production

Ikspiari, Sendai Airport Rinku Park, Kyobashi Redevelopment Art Project, FLOWERS by NAKED

Main visual production

Ikusaburo Yamazaki Premium Symphonic Concert Tour 2023 -PRINCIPE-, Sandwich Man Live Tour 2017
